Senin, 29 Juni 2009

Ten kissing commandments

"Our date was extremely romantic, until I offered to seal the night with a kiss, which unexpectedly turned out to be quite awkward. While, I was gravely ashamed, she never came back," shares 23-year-old, Rishi Gulati (name changed on request), a sad victim of a kissing-faux-pas.

Well, the misfortune of a bad kiss can fall upon any of us. Consider yourself lucky if your kiss left your partner craving for more. And keep your fingers tightly crossed for no one plans a kissing blunder, it simply happens! And mind it, you are hardly left with anything to mend the embarrassment caused by a 'dud kiss.' If a perfect kiss can register success in your relationship, a kissing bummer is good enough to bring your love journey to a dead end even before it starts.

Follow our '10 commandments of perfect kissing' and you'll never be tagged as a 'poor kisser'...

1. Thou shall not be a stinking fish
Nothing can kill a kiss like foul breadth. So, the first commandment keeps you off kissing, if your mouth is stinking due to hygiene issues, food, tobacco or excessive smoking. If you don't want your partner to remember the kiss for all the wrong reasons, try to look out for solutions. Dr. Kamal Bisht, a general physician suggests, "Begin by brushing your teeth before you go out on a date, irrespective of the time. Cleaning your tongue is also important as it removes bacteria. Avoid kissing if you have just had smelly food products like garlic, onions etc. Keep a breath spray handy and use it periodically throughout the day." Last but not the least, if you are a smoker, the pleasure of smooching your partner can be your motivation to kick the butt!

2. Thou shall open your mouth with care
"My girlfriend has this habit of opening her mouth very little while kissing, which does not allow me to enjoy a passionate kiss to the fullest," avers Rajdeep Bhawmik, a Delhi-based architect.

While, there's no accurate rule for opening the mouth, it's generally seen that a deep kiss using tongue is a huge turn on. Equally terrifying are gulpers who open their mouth wide open while kissing, ready to swallow their partner. The trick is to keep one's lips lose enough to let the lips of both the partners glide smoothly over each other making it a yummy kiss. Also, “start with a lip-to-lip kiss and gradually taste the depths of pleasure," suggests sex expert, Dr. Rajan.

3. Thou shall not be a dead dud
"For both men and women, responsiveness is the chief factor that makes for a better kisser," says author William Cane in his book, The Art of Kissing Book of Question and Answers . So, rather than pouncing upon your partner's mouth, try and figure out the styles and movements that your partner enjoys. Try to figure out his/her likes and dislikes and adapt your technique accordingly.

Going with the other partner's rhythm is crucial. Don't expect your beau to do all the work while you enjoy his kissing moves. "My girlfriend is a hesitant kisser. She doesn't even move her head; forget about getting playful with her tongue and lips. It's just like I'm trying to find pleasure with a stiff stick," reveals Chandan Gupta, a 20-year-old college student.

4. Thou shall be a learner
No body is a born kisser. So, if you are an amateur kisser, who is apprehensive about locking lips, just follow your partner and the rest will fall into place, the way it happened with Jayati and Mayank. "During the initial days of our courtship, my girlfriend Jayanti was quite clueless about kissing, which was a big turn-off for me. But soon she realised her awkwardness and made a smart move. She simply started copying my style and now she can beat me in a passionate kiss," tells Mayank Taneja, a Mumbai-based PR professional.
Remember kissing is all about adapting and learning.

5. Thou shall use your hands appropriately
Agreed, that using hands results in elevating levels of passion. But do not pull his hair or grab her waist as if she'll run if you leave. Kissing is about imparting pleasure rather than inflicting pain. “Keep your hand movements limited to sensual and soft strokes on your lover's arms, back, neck, waist and hair or simply cup the face,” suggests Cane. Don’t get too aggressive in the name of showing wild passion. "My first boyfriend almost gave me bruises every time we kissed. Pinching and grabbing me gave him a sense of high, but I failed to match up with his wild passion and we broke up after a few dates and kisses," relates Madhurima Goel, a 19-year-old college student.

6. Thou shall not let your tongue go loose
You don't have to gag your partner by shoving off your tongue deep down into his/her mouth. Take it easy. The kissing rule for tongue says –less is more! Let the tip of your tongue perform the magic with subtle and gentle strokes. You can use your tongue for exploring, but that doesn't allow you to reach between your partner's teeth –as it can be a big turnoff. "Remember, slower the tongue movements, hotter is the passion," says Dr. Shivi Jaggi.

7. Thou shall not give me a saliva bath
Wet kisses undoubtedly work when it comes to getting into some raunchy action, but that doesn't give you the liberty to go lap,lap,lap all over your partner's face. "My girl is a passionate kisser. But, the only problem with her is that her kisses are really wet. She licks my chin, cheeks, forehead etc, which becomes quite messy for me," complains Jatin Sharma, a 24-year-old, management student. So, slobbery is not welcomed while kissing.

8. Thou shall not have sex on your mind
It is not necessary for a kiss to end in some hot action between the sheets. Your kiss shouldn't give away the hint that you are getting desperate to hit the bed. "Kissing brings people close physically and emotionally. And this closeness satisfies a deep emotional need for connecting with your partner," explains Cane.
So, while you are kissing, be sensitive to your partner's need. He/she may or may not be ready for sex immediately. Don't use a kiss as a means to reach a sexual climax. Let your kiss be romantic rather than plain sexual.
"I can still remember my first kiss, though for unpleasant things. The way the guy was busy groping me, gave clear clues that he wanted to have sex with me on our first date itself and I wasn't ready. And soon after that date, within no time I made up my mind to never meet him again."

Another way to keep your first kiss plain romantic, rather than hard core sexual can be to keep your hand-work limited to the non-erotic zones like the neck, arms, back waist etc., rather than reaching out to the erotic zones. Though, imagination and experimentation can be your yardstick if both of you are ready and enjoying.

9. Though shall not stare while kissing
You might be curious; you might feel like watching your partner taking pleasure in the act, but continuously staring at him/her while kissing is a big no no! Whenever a person is enjoying something to the hilt, their eyes automatically shut. Closing the eyes is an autonomous stimulus to pleasure. So, kissing is no exception to this rule and people tend to close their eyes. “Also, the sight of your partner almost eating you might not look very beautiful if you watch it continuously, though there's nothing wrong in getting a peep every now and then," suggests Dr. Rajan.

10. Thou shall be confident of your kiss
Be it a plain pucker or a passionate lip lock, not just the initiator, but even the recipient ought to be confident. Remember, to go with the flow and you'll do fine. When passion reaches its zenith, no guide-book or tips remain in one's mind. So, just be yourself and let the warmth of your lips take over. "Be it approaching your lover for a kiss or accepting his proposal, both should be utmost confident. Jitters may spoil the mood, irrespective of who is getting them," explains Dr. Jaggi.

Ten kissing commandments

"Our date was extremely romantic, until I offered to seal the night with a kiss, which unexpectedly turned out to be quite awkward. While, I was gravely ashamed, she never came back," shares 23-year-old, Rishi Gulati (name changed on request), a sad victim of a kissing-faux-pas.

Well, the misfortune of a bad kiss can fall upon any of us. Consider yourself lucky if your kiss left your partner craving for more. And keep your fingers tightly crossed for no one plans a kissing blunder, it simply happens! And mind it, you are hardly left with anything to mend the embarrassment caused by a 'dud kiss.' If a perfect kiss can register success in your relationship, a kissing bummer is good enough to bring your love journey to a dead end even before it starts.

Follow our '10 commandments of perfect kissing' and you'll never be tagged as a 'poor kisser'...

1. Thou shall not be a stinking fish
Nothing can kill a kiss like foul breadth. So, the first commandment keeps you off kissing, if your mouth is stinking due to hygiene issues, food, tobacco or excessive smoking. If you don't want your partner to remember the kiss for all the wrong reasons, try to look out for solutions. Dr. Kamal Bisht, a general physician suggests, "Begin by brushing your teeth before you go out on a date, irrespective of the time. Cleaning your tongue is also important as it removes bacteria. Avoid kissing if you have just had smelly food products like garlic, onions etc. Keep a breath spray handy and use it periodically throughout the day." Last but not the least, if you are a smoker, the pleasure of smooching your partner can be your motivation to kick the butt!

2. Thou shall open your mouth with care
"My girlfriend has this habit of opening her mouth very little while kissing, which does not allow me to enjoy a passionate kiss to the fullest," avers Rajdeep Bhawmik, a Delhi-based architect.

While, there's no accurate rule for opening the mouth, it's generally seen that a deep kiss using tongue is a huge turn on. Equally terrifying are gulpers who open their mouth wide open while kissing, ready to swallow their partner. The trick is to keep one's lips lose enough to let the lips of both the partners glide smoothly over each other making it a yummy kiss. Also, “start with a lip-to-lip kiss and gradually taste the depths of pleasure," suggests sex expert, Dr. Rajan.

3. Thou shall not be a dead dud
"For both men and women, responsiveness is the chief factor that makes for a better kisser," says author William Cane in his book, The Art of Kissing Book of Question and Answers . So, rather than pouncing upon your partner's mouth, try and figure out the styles and movements that your partner enjoys. Try to figure out his/her likes and dislikes and adapt your technique accordingly.

Going with the other partner's rhythm is crucial. Don't expect your beau to do all the work while you enjoy his kissing moves. "My girlfriend is a hesitant kisser. She doesn't even move her head; forget about getting playful with her tongue and lips. It's just like I'm trying to find pleasure with a stiff stick," reveals Chandan Gupta, a 20-year-old college student.

4. Thou shall be a learner
No body is a born kisser. So, if you are an amateur kisser, who is apprehensive about locking lips, just follow your partner and the rest will fall into place, the way it happened with Jayati and Mayank. "During the initial days of our courtship, my girlfriend Jayanti was quite clueless about kissing, which was a big turn-off for me. But soon she realised her awkwardness and made a smart move. She simply started copying my style and now she can beat me in a passionate kiss," tells Mayank Taneja, a Mumbai-based PR professional.
Remember kissing is all about adapting and learning.

5. Thou shall use your hands appropriately
Agreed, that using hands results in elevating levels of passion. But do not pull his hair or grab her waist as if she'll run if you leave. Kissing is about imparting pleasure rather than inflicting pain. “Keep your hand movements limited to sensual and soft strokes on your lover's arms, back, neck, waist and hair or simply cup the face,” suggests Cane. Don’t get too aggressive in the name of showing wild passion. "My first boyfriend almost gave me bruises every time we kissed. Pinching and grabbing me gave him a sense of high, but I failed to match up with his wild passion and we broke up after a few dates and kisses," relates Madhurima Goel, a 19-year-old college student.

6. Thou shall not let your tongue go loose
You don't have to gag your partner by shoving off your tongue deep down into his/her mouth. Take it easy. The kissing rule for tongue says –less is more! Let the tip of your tongue perform the magic with subtle and gentle strokes. You can use your tongue for exploring, but that doesn't allow you to reach between your partner's teeth –as it can be a big turnoff. "Remember, slower the tongue movements, hotter is the passion," says Dr. Shivi Jaggi.

7. Thou shall not give me a saliva bath
Wet kisses undoubtedly work when it comes to getting into some raunchy action, but that doesn't give you the liberty to go lap,lap,lap all over your partner's face. "My girl is a passionate kisser. But, the only problem with her is that her kisses are really wet. She licks my chin, cheeks, forehead etc, which becomes quite messy for me," complains Jatin Sharma, a 24-year-old, management student. So, slobbery is not welcomed while kissing.

8. Thou shall not have sex on your mind
It is not necessary for a kiss to end in some hot action between the sheets. Your kiss shouldn't give away the hint that you are getting desperate to hit the bed. "Kissing brings people close physically and emotionally. And this closeness satisfies a deep emotional need for connecting with your partner," explains Cane.
So, while you are kissing, be sensitive to your partner's need. He/she may or may not be ready for sex immediately. Don't use a kiss as a means to reach a sexual climax. Let your kiss be romantic rather than plain sexual.
"I can still remember my first kiss, though for unpleasant things. The way the guy was busy groping me, gave clear clues that he wanted to have sex with me on our first date itself and I wasn't ready. And soon after that date, within no time I made up my mind to never meet him again."

Another way to keep your first kiss plain romantic, rather than hard core sexual can be to keep your hand-work limited to the non-erotic zones like the neck, arms, back waist etc., rather than reaching out to the erotic zones. Though, imagination and experimentation can be your yardstick if both of you are ready and enjoying.

9. Though shall not stare while kissing
You might be curious; you might feel like watching your partner taking pleasure in the act, but continuously staring at him/her while kissing is a big no no! Whenever a person is enjoying something to the hilt, their eyes automatically shut. Closing the eyes is an autonomous stimulus to pleasure. So, kissing is no exception to this rule and people tend to close their eyes. “Also, the sight of your partner almost eating you might not look very beautiful if you watch it continuously, though there's nothing wrong in getting a peep every now and then," suggests Dr. Rajan.

10. Thou shall be confident of your kiss
Be it a plain pucker or a passionate lip lock, not just the initiator, but even the recipient ought to be confident. Remember, to go with the flow and you'll do fine. When passion reaches its zenith, no guide-book or tips remain in one's mind. So, just be yourself and let the warmth of your lips take over. "Be it approaching your lover for a kiss or accepting his proposal, both should be utmost confident. Jitters may spoil the mood, irrespective of who is getting them," explains Dr. Jaggi.

Sabtu, 27 Juni 2009

He had 'stomach pumped'

'He always ate too little and mixed too much,' said a nanny that once worked for Michael Jackon. She said she once appealed to Jackson's mother, Katherine, and sister, Janet, to intervene. -- PHOTO: AFP

LONDON - THE former nanny of Michael Jackson's three children said she regularly had to pump his stomach to remove cocktails of painkillers, British newspapers reported on Sunday.

Grace Rwaramba, who was abruptly sacked by Jackson in December, also spoke of her fears for the future of the children following his death and has flown to Los Angeles from Europe hoping to be reunited with them.

The Jackson family are angry at the unanswered questions surrounding the star's final hours, amid reports that the singer's doctor Conrad Murray injected him with the painkiller Demerol shortly before his death.

Ms Rwaramba, 42, said in comments reported by The Sunday Times that the star was addicted to narcotic painkillers.

'I had to pump his stomach many times. He always mixed so much of it.

'There was one period that it was so bad that I didn't let the children see him... He always ate too little and mixed too much.' She said she once appealed to Jackson's mother, Katherine, and sister, Janet, to intervene and persuade him to seek treatment for his addiction, but Michael turned on her and accused her of betrayal.

'He didn't want to listen; that was one of the times he let me go,' she said.

Rwandan-born Rwaramba worked for Jackson for more than a decade, first as an office assistant before becoming nanny to his children, 12-year-old Michael Jr, known as Prince, Paris, 11, and Prince Michael II, 7, nicknamed Blanket.

She was finally dismissed in December last year, but claims she returned several times to see the children, making her most recent trip in April.

Tabloid newspaper News of the World - which is owned by the same company as The Sunday Times - said she had screamed with shock when she heard of the star's death, while she was at the Swiss home of TV interviewer Daphne Barak. -- AFP

He had 'stomach pumped'

'He always ate too little and mixed too much,' said a nanny that once worked for Michael Jackon. She said she once appealed to Jackson's mother, Katherine, and sister, Janet, to intervene. -- PHOTO: AFP

LONDON - THE former nanny of Michael Jackson's three children said she regularly had to pump his stomach to remove cocktails of painkillers, British newspapers reported on Sunday.

Grace Rwaramba, who was abruptly sacked by Jackson in December, also spoke of her fears for the future of the children following his death and has flown to Los Angeles from Europe hoping to be reunited with them.

The Jackson family are angry at the unanswered questions surrounding the star's final hours, amid reports that the singer's doctor Conrad Murray injected him with the painkiller Demerol shortly before his death.

Ms Rwaramba, 42, said in comments reported by The Sunday Times that the star was addicted to narcotic painkillers.

'I had to pump his stomach many times. He always mixed so much of it.

'There was one period that it was so bad that I didn't let the children see him... He always ate too little and mixed too much.' She said she once appealed to Jackson's mother, Katherine, and sister, Janet, to intervene and persuade him to seek treatment for his addiction, but Michael turned on her and accused her of betrayal.

'He didn't want to listen; that was one of the times he let me go,' she said.

Rwandan-born Rwaramba worked for Jackson for more than a decade, first as an office assistant before becoming nanny to his children, 12-year-old Michael Jr, known as Prince, Paris, 11, and Prince Michael II, 7, nicknamed Blanket.

She was finally dismissed in December last year, but claims she returned several times to see the children, making her most recent trip in April.

Tabloid newspaper News of the World - which is owned by the same company as The Sunday Times - said she had screamed with shock when she heard of the star's death, while she was at the Swiss home of TV interviewer Daphne Barak. -- AFP

Jumat, 26 Juni 2009

How to Moonwalk Like Michael

On March 25, 1983, Michael Jackson took one small, backwards step onto a television stage — and one giant leap into dancefloor history. The thin, angular pop star was only 24 years old when he took an obscure break-dancing move and transformed it into of the most recognizable routines of all time. Jackson debuted the Moonwalk during his performance of "Billie Jean" during the ABC television special Motown 25: Yesterday, Today, Forever and the heavy rotation that the song's music video enjoyed on MTV injected it into America's pop cultural consciousness. The Moonwalk is so fluid, so effortless — and yet when amateurs slip on some old gym socks and try to glide across a kitchen floor, it always turns out horribly. How exactly do you Moonwalk? TIME finds out.

Goal: To learn to Moonwalk

• A slick floor
• Black pants
• White socks
• Black loafers
• Years of dance training (optional)

Step 1: Start with your feet together. That's easy enough, right?

Step 2: Raise your right heel so that you're standing on the ball of your right foot.

Step 3: Shift your weight onto that still raised right foot so that the left one feels weightless.

Step 4: Lower your right heel slowly while moving your (still weightless) left foot backwards until the toes of your left foot are aligned with the heels of your right foot. If you do it right, it should look like your left foot is floating backwards across the floor.

Step 5: Lift your left heel and shift your body weight so that you're now standing on the ball of that foot.

Step 6: Repeat Steps 4 and 5, this time with the opposite feet.

And that's the Moonwalk. It's actually is a very simple dance — and one Jackson didn't invent out of thin air. Its origins can be traced back to French mime Marcel Marceau's "Walking Against the Wind" trick, in which he pretended to be pushed backwards by an imaginary gust of wind.

If you're having trouble, try practicing in your socks. Sure, it's a little more Risky Business than King of Pop, but the lack of friction will give you a boost until you get the hang of it.

When done correctly, the dance will produce the illusion of walking forward while actually moving back. You can swing your arms with every step, or copy what Jackson did and hunch up your shoulders while grabbing onto your hat. You are wearing a hat, aren't you? You should probably wear a hat.

How to Moonwalk Like Michael

On March 25, 1983, Michael Jackson took one small, backwards step onto a television stage — and one giant leap into dancefloor history. The thin, angular pop star was only 24 years old when he took an obscure break-dancing move and transformed it into of the most recognizable routines of all time. Jackson debuted the Moonwalk during his performance of "Billie Jean" during the ABC television special Motown 25: Yesterday, Today, Forever and the heavy rotation that the song's music video enjoyed on MTV injected it into America's pop cultural consciousness. The Moonwalk is so fluid, so effortless — and yet when amateurs slip on some old gym socks and try to glide across a kitchen floor, it always turns out horribly. How exactly do you Moonwalk? TIME finds out.

Goal: To learn to Moonwalk

• A slick floor
• Black pants
• White socks
• Black loafers
• Years of dance training (optional)

Step 1: Start with your feet together. That's easy enough, right?

Step 2: Raise your right heel so that you're standing on the ball of your right foot.

Step 3: Shift your weight onto that still raised right foot so that the left one feels weightless.

Step 4: Lower your right heel slowly while moving your (still weightless) left foot backwards until the toes of your left foot are aligned with the heels of your right foot. If you do it right, it should look like your left foot is floating backwards across the floor.

Step 5: Lift your left heel and shift your body weight so that you're now standing on the ball of that foot.

Step 6: Repeat Steps 4 and 5, this time with the opposite feet.

And that's the Moonwalk. It's actually is a very simple dance — and one Jackson didn't invent out of thin air. Its origins can be traced back to French mime Marcel Marceau's "Walking Against the Wind" trick, in which he pretended to be pushed backwards by an imaginary gust of wind.

If you're having trouble, try practicing in your socks. Sure, it's a little more Risky Business than King of Pop, but the lack of friction will give you a boost until you get the hang of it.

When done correctly, the dance will produce the illusion of walking forward while actually moving back. You can swing your arms with every step, or copy what Jackson did and hunch up your shoulders while grabbing onto your hat. You are wearing a hat, aren't you? You should probably wear a hat.

‘Angel’ Farrah Fawcett

Before: Farrah Fawcett (centre), with co-stars Kate Jackson (right) and Jaclyn Smith in a 'Charlie's Angels' promo shot...and 30 years after, at the 58th Emmy Awards in 2006.

LOS ANGELES, June 26 — Actress Farrah Fawcett, the “Charlie’s Angels” television star whose big smile and feathered blond mane made her one of the reigning sex symbols of the 1970s, died yesterday after a long battle with cancer. She was 62.

Fawcett, first vaulted to stardom by an alluring poster of her in a red swimsuit, was diagnosed with anal cancer in late 2006. It spread to her liver in 2007, proving resistant to numerous medical treatments in Germany and California.

“After a long and brave battle with cancer, our beloved Farrah has passed away,” Fawcett’s long time companion, actor Ryan O’Neal, said in a statement.

“Although this is an extremely difficult time for her family and friends, we take comfort in the beautiful times that we shared with Farrah over the years and the knowledge that her life brought joy to so many people around the world.”

Fawcett’s death in a Los Angeles hospital came just six weeks after the TV broadcast in May of a video diary she made chronicling her battle with cancer and her final months.

Called “Farrah’s Story,” the documentary was effectively a self-penned obituary by the actress, who was bedridden and had lost her famous hair by the time it was shown.

O’Neal said she had wanted to tell her story on her own terms.

Fawcett’s close friend Alana Stewart, ex-wife of rocker Rod Stewart, told Entertainment Tonight after leaving the hospital yesterday; “I just lost my best friend. Her death was very peaceful.”

Fawcett, born February 2, 1947, in Corpus Christi, Texas, was an art student in college before she began modelling, appearing in shampoo ads.

She started guest-starring on TV in the late 1960s and appeared on the television hit “The Six Million Dollar Man” after marrying the show’s star, Lee Majors, in 1974. The couple divorced in the early 1980s.

Angel culture

Fawcett’s career took off thanks to a poster of her posing flirtatiously with a brilliant smile in a red one-piece bathing suit. It sold millions of copies and led to her being cast in 1976 in “Charlie’s Angels,” an action show about three beautiful, strong women private detectives.

As the tanned and glamorous Jill Munroe – part of a trio that included Jaclyn Smith and Kate Jackson – Fawcett was the hit show’s most talked-about star. She left “Charlie’s Angels” after only one season but lawsuit settlements brought her back to guest-star in subsequent years.

Fawcett’s face appeared on T-shirts, posters and dolls. She came to epitomize the glamorous California lifestyle and inspired a worldwide craze for blown-out, feathered-back hair.

The New York Times once described that hair as “a work of art ... emblematic of women in the first stage of liberation – strong, confident and joyous.”

“Her hair needed its own phone line,” “Charlie’s Angels” co-star Smith recalled later.

In late 2008, Fawcett shaved her own hair when it began falling out because of her cancer treatments.

Serious roles

While Fawcett’s early career was marked by lightweight roles, the actress sought to play down her sex symbol image in more challenging dramas in the ‘80s.

She earned critical acclaim for her performance as a battered wife in 1984’s “The Burning Bed”, for which she received the first of three Emmy nominations.

The off-Broadway play and subsequent film “Extremities,” in which Fawcett played a woman who takes revenge on a would-be attacker, earned one of her six Golden Globe nominations.

Fawcett posed for Playboy magazine in 1995, the same year she received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

She had one son, Redmond, with O’Neal. Redmond O’Neal, now 24, was arrested on several occasions in 2008 and 2009 for heroin and methamphetamine offenses leading to time in jail.

In the last few years, Fawcett appeared frequently on entertainment TV, where she shared details of her battle with cancer.

But she was outraged when news of her deteriorating condition was leaked to tabloid newspapers. A Los Angeles hospital employee was charged in 2008 with stealing and selling Fawcett’s medical records, leading to a new California law imposing tighter controls on medical files and stiffer penalties for privacy breaches. – Reuters

‘Angel’ Farrah Fawcett

Before: Farrah Fawcett (centre), with co-stars Kate Jackson (right) and Jaclyn Smith in a 'Charlie's Angels' promo shot...and 30 years after, at the 58th Emmy Awards in 2006.

LOS ANGELES, June 26 — Actress Farrah Fawcett, the “Charlie’s Angels” television star whose big smile and feathered blond mane made her one of the reigning sex symbols of the 1970s, died yesterday after a long battle with cancer. She was 62.

Fawcett, first vaulted to stardom by an alluring poster of her in a red swimsuit, was diagnosed with anal cancer in late 2006. It spread to her liver in 2007, proving resistant to numerous medical treatments in Germany and California.

“After a long and brave battle with cancer, our beloved Farrah has passed away,” Fawcett’s long time companion, actor Ryan O’Neal, said in a statement.

“Although this is an extremely difficult time for her family and friends, we take comfort in the beautiful times that we shared with Farrah over the years and the knowledge that her life brought joy to so many people around the world.”

Fawcett’s death in a Los Angeles hospital came just six weeks after the TV broadcast in May of a video diary she made chronicling her battle with cancer and her final months.

Called “Farrah’s Story,” the documentary was effectively a self-penned obituary by the actress, who was bedridden and had lost her famous hair by the time it was shown.

O’Neal said she had wanted to tell her story on her own terms.

Fawcett’s close friend Alana Stewart, ex-wife of rocker Rod Stewart, told Entertainment Tonight after leaving the hospital yesterday; “I just lost my best friend. Her death was very peaceful.”

Fawcett, born February 2, 1947, in Corpus Christi, Texas, was an art student in college before she began modelling, appearing in shampoo ads.

She started guest-starring on TV in the late 1960s and appeared on the television hit “The Six Million Dollar Man” after marrying the show’s star, Lee Majors, in 1974. The couple divorced in the early 1980s.

Angel culture

Fawcett’s career took off thanks to a poster of her posing flirtatiously with a brilliant smile in a red one-piece bathing suit. It sold millions of copies and led to her being cast in 1976 in “Charlie’s Angels,” an action show about three beautiful, strong women private detectives.

As the tanned and glamorous Jill Munroe – part of a trio that included Jaclyn Smith and Kate Jackson – Fawcett was the hit show’s most talked-about star. She left “Charlie’s Angels” after only one season but lawsuit settlements brought her back to guest-star in subsequent years.

Fawcett’s face appeared on T-shirts, posters and dolls. She came to epitomize the glamorous California lifestyle and inspired a worldwide craze for blown-out, feathered-back hair.

The New York Times once described that hair as “a work of art ... emblematic of women in the first stage of liberation – strong, confident and joyous.”

“Her hair needed its own phone line,” “Charlie’s Angels” co-star Smith recalled later.

In late 2008, Fawcett shaved her own hair when it began falling out because of her cancer treatments.

Serious roles

While Fawcett’s early career was marked by lightweight roles, the actress sought to play down her sex symbol image in more challenging dramas in the ‘80s.

She earned critical acclaim for her performance as a battered wife in 1984’s “The Burning Bed”, for which she received the first of three Emmy nominations.

The off-Broadway play and subsequent film “Extremities,” in which Fawcett played a woman who takes revenge on a would-be attacker, earned one of her six Golden Globe nominations.

Fawcett posed for Playboy magazine in 1995, the same year she received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

She had one son, Redmond, with O’Neal. Redmond O’Neal, now 24, was arrested on several occasions in 2008 and 2009 for heroin and methamphetamine offenses leading to time in jail.

In the last few years, Fawcett appeared frequently on entertainment TV, where she shared details of her battle with cancer.

But she was outraged when news of her deteriorating condition was leaked to tabloid newspapers. A Los Angeles hospital employee was charged in 2008 with stealing and selling Fawcett’s medical records, leading to a new California law imposing tighter controls on medical files and stiffer penalties for privacy breaches. – Reuters

World mourns Michael Jackson, hails heir to Elvis

LOS ANGELES, June 26 — Michael Jackson’s death dominated news bulletins, radio airwaves and social networking sites the world over today as tributes poured in for a man called the King of Pop and natural heir to Elvis.

The 50-year-old, whose towering musical legacy was tarnished by often bizarre behaviour and sex scandals, was pronounced dead at 2.26pm local time (5.26am, Malaysian time) yesterday after arriving at a Los Angeles hospital in full cardiac arrest.

“King of pop is dead. Black day for music,” was the simple message on the Twitter messaging site left by johnyvergosa.

Other contributors expressed disbelief at the suddenness of Jackson’s death, which came less than three weeks before he was due to launch a series of comeback concerts in London.

The singer’s lasting appeal, despite life as a virtual recluse since his acquittal of child abuse charges at a sensational 2005 trial, was underlined when 750,000 fans of all ages snapped up tickets for the sellout gigs.

From “Thriller” to “Billie Jean” and “Rock With You” to “The Way You Make Me Feel”, Jackson’s hits filled the airwaves.

Local politics and global affairs were bumped off the front pages of newspapers, trading rooms across Asia were abuzz with the news and entertainment websites saw a surge in traffic.

“The King of Pop is Dead” read the main headline of Britain’s Independent newspaper, below a full-page portrait.

Rina Masaoka, a 21-year-old college student in Japan, said: “This will probably be as shocking as Princess Diana’s death.”

Yesterday, dozens of fans gathered near Jackson’s modest boyhood home in Gary, to pay their respects to the entertainer who left the city long ago.


Commentators reflecting on Jackson’s life focused on his flaws as well as his global fame and musical flare.

“For all his tragic flaws as a human being, Jackson could legitimately be seen as the greatest entertainer of his generation, the natural successor to Frank Sinatra and Elvis Presley,” Richard Williams wrote in the Guardian newspaper.

Jackson sold an estimated 750 million records, a figure that is likely to rise with the expected posthumous re-release of his hits. “Thriller”, which came out in 1982, remains the best-selling album of all time.

Jackson also won 13 Grammy Awards, made boundary-breaking music videos and his slick dance moves were imitated by legions of fans, and fellow pop stars, around the world.

But his preference for the company of children, high-pitched voice, numerous plastic surgeries and life as a virtual recluse earned him many critics and the nickname “Wacko Jacko”.

When he came to London to announce his residency at the O2 Arena starting on July 13, bookmakers immediately took bets on whether he would turn up for the first show, amid concerns and rumours over his physical and mental health.

His sudden death, nevertheless, came as a surprise.

“I spoke to Michael only a few days ago and he was absolutely on top of everything, working hard and really excited about (the) forthcoming shows,” said Mark Lester, a former child actor and godfather to Jackson’s children.

“It is just unbelievable,” he told Sky News.

Quincy Jones, who worked closely with Jackson on some of his most successful recordings, led tributes from the music world.

“I am absolutely devastated at this tragic and unexpected news,” he said of one of the first black entertainers of the MTV generation to gain a big crossover following.

Pop star Madonna said: “I can’t stop crying over the sad news. I have always admired Michael Jackson. The world has lost one of the greats but his music will live on forever.”

Germany’s Economy Minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg, speaking in front of the Adlon Hotel where in 2002 Jackson caused a stir by dangling his baby from a top floor window in front of adoring fans, described Jackson as a truly great artist.

“But his life was also rather tragic in the end.That’s why I hope his whole life is taken into account when reflecting upon his death and not only the last few years.” – Reuters

World mourns Michael Jackson, hails heir to Elvis

LOS ANGELES, June 26 — Michael Jackson’s death dominated news bulletins, radio airwaves and social networking sites the world over today as tributes poured in for a man called the King of Pop and natural heir to Elvis.

The 50-year-old, whose towering musical legacy was tarnished by often bizarre behaviour and sex scandals, was pronounced dead at 2.26pm local time (5.26am, Malaysian time) yesterday after arriving at a Los Angeles hospital in full cardiac arrest.

“King of pop is dead. Black day for music,” was the simple message on the Twitter messaging site left by johnyvergosa.

Other contributors expressed disbelief at the suddenness of Jackson’s death, which came less than three weeks before he was due to launch a series of comeback concerts in London.

The singer’s lasting appeal, despite life as a virtual recluse since his acquittal of child abuse charges at a sensational 2005 trial, was underlined when 750,000 fans of all ages snapped up tickets for the sellout gigs.

From “Thriller” to “Billie Jean” and “Rock With You” to “The Way You Make Me Feel”, Jackson’s hits filled the airwaves.

Local politics and global affairs were bumped off the front pages of newspapers, trading rooms across Asia were abuzz with the news and entertainment websites saw a surge in traffic.

“The King of Pop is Dead” read the main headline of Britain’s Independent newspaper, below a full-page portrait.

Rina Masaoka, a 21-year-old college student in Japan, said: “This will probably be as shocking as Princess Diana’s death.”

Yesterday, dozens of fans gathered near Jackson’s modest boyhood home in Gary, to pay their respects to the entertainer who left the city long ago.


Commentators reflecting on Jackson’s life focused on his flaws as well as his global fame and musical flare.

“For all his tragic flaws as a human being, Jackson could legitimately be seen as the greatest entertainer of his generation, the natural successor to Frank Sinatra and Elvis Presley,” Richard Williams wrote in the Guardian newspaper.

Jackson sold an estimated 750 million records, a figure that is likely to rise with the expected posthumous re-release of his hits. “Thriller”, which came out in 1982, remains the best-selling album of all time.

Jackson also won 13 Grammy Awards, made boundary-breaking music videos and his slick dance moves were imitated by legions of fans, and fellow pop stars, around the world.

But his preference for the company of children, high-pitched voice, numerous plastic surgeries and life as a virtual recluse earned him many critics and the nickname “Wacko Jacko”.

When he came to London to announce his residency at the O2 Arena starting on July 13, bookmakers immediately took bets on whether he would turn up for the first show, amid concerns and rumours over his physical and mental health.

His sudden death, nevertheless, came as a surprise.

“I spoke to Michael only a few days ago and he was absolutely on top of everything, working hard and really excited about (the) forthcoming shows,” said Mark Lester, a former child actor and godfather to Jackson’s children.

“It is just unbelievable,” he told Sky News.

Quincy Jones, who worked closely with Jackson on some of his most successful recordings, led tributes from the music world.

“I am absolutely devastated at this tragic and unexpected news,” he said of one of the first black entertainers of the MTV generation to gain a big crossover following.

Pop star Madonna said: “I can’t stop crying over the sad news. I have always admired Michael Jackson. The world has lost one of the greats but his music will live on forever.”

Germany’s Economy Minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg, speaking in front of the Adlon Hotel where in 2002 Jackson caused a stir by dangling his baby from a top floor window in front of adoring fans, described Jackson as a truly great artist.

“But his life was also rather tragic in the end.That’s why I hope his whole life is taken into account when reflecting upon his death and not only the last few years.” – Reuters

Selasa, 23 Juni 2009

Pin-ups blow men's minds

LOOKING at scantily-clad babes makes blokes see women as tools, not real people with their hopes and desires.

But brain scans reveal that oggling these types of sexy pics switches off the part of their brain involved with empathy and understanding other people.

Heterosexual men were exposed to images of pin-ups while having their brains scanned in the study by boffins at Princeton University.

They were also asked to fill out an questionnaire devised to assess sexual hostility.

Those with the highest hostile sexism scores had reduced acitivity in the 'empathetic' area of the brain.

They also had more activity in the parts of the brain involved in using objects.

The Princeton experts believe this could lead to gender discrimination in the workplace.

So, could these stuning pics of our Page 3 girl Keeley Hazell turn men into sexists?


The study also showed that some of the men had low hostile sexism scores, so it's likely that the high scorers were sexist to start with and that looking the pics simply turned another part of their body on.

And we'd rather men looked at pics of healthy girls with real curves, then stick-thin models with little to put into a bikini.

Pin-ups blow men's minds

LOOKING at scantily-clad babes makes blokes see women as tools, not real people with their hopes and desires.

But brain scans reveal that oggling these types of sexy pics switches off the part of their brain involved with empathy and understanding other people.

Heterosexual men were exposed to images of pin-ups while having their brains scanned in the study by boffins at Princeton University.

They were also asked to fill out an questionnaire devised to assess sexual hostility.

Those with the highest hostile sexism scores had reduced acitivity in the 'empathetic' area of the brain.

They also had more activity in the parts of the brain involved in using objects.

The Princeton experts believe this could lead to gender discrimination in the workplace.

So, could these stuning pics of our Page 3 girl Keeley Hazell turn men into sexists?


The study also showed that some of the men had low hostile sexism scores, so it's likely that the high scorers were sexist to start with and that looking the pics simply turned another part of their body on.

And we'd rather men looked at pics of healthy girls with real curves, then stick-thin models with little to put into a bikini.

Rabu, 17 Juni 2009

Rihanna in sex tape scandal

Celebrity gossip and music websites reported that the tape runs for 13 seconds shows night vision footage of a woman who looks like a version of Rihanna from a couple of years ago. --PHOTO: REUTERS

LOS ANGELES - US MEDIA reports that a sex tape featuring singer Rihanna has been leaked online.

Celebrity gossip and music websites reported that the tape runs for 13 seconds and reportedly shows night vision footage of a woman who looks like a version of Rihanna from a couple of years ago.

According to celebrity website Bang Showbiz, the man in the video is not visible and it has been impossible to confirm if it is Rihanna's former boyfriend, Chris Brown.

Reports on Wednesday said that the person who claims to have made the video will release more footage on June 22. -- Reuters

Rihanna in sex tape scandal

Celebrity gossip and music websites reported that the tape runs for 13 seconds shows night vision footage of a woman who looks like a version of Rihanna from a couple of years ago. --PHOTO: REUTERS

LOS ANGELES - US MEDIA reports that a sex tape featuring singer Rihanna has been leaked online.

Celebrity gossip and music websites reported that the tape runs for 13 seconds and reportedly shows night vision footage of a woman who looks like a version of Rihanna from a couple of years ago.

According to celebrity website Bang Showbiz, the man in the video is not visible and it has been impossible to confirm if it is Rihanna's former boyfriend, Chris Brown.

Reports on Wednesday said that the person who claims to have made the video will release more footage on June 22. -- Reuters

Senin, 08 Juni 2009

Britney goes topless in video

Britney Spears (left) appears topless in her latest video for the song, Gimme More. -- PHOTO: AP

LOS ANGELES - SINGER Britney Spears appears topless in her latest video for the song, Gimme More, said media reports on Monday.

Spears, 27, performs a sexy pole-dance, covering her exposed breasts with fake tattoos, reports The News of the World newspaper in the UK.

Relaunching her career last year with a new album and tour, Spears is now in the UK. She's played gigs in London, Manchester and Dublin.

Uncensored photos taken from the video can be seen on the News of the World website.

Despite the controversial video, Spears has reportedly been visiting tourist attractions with her two sons.

Spears is also being shaddowed by her father, Jamie Spears. Mr Spears became her conservator last year.
Under the terms of the conservatorship, all Britney's spending has to be approved by her father, all her phone calls and texts are monitored, she can see only friends approved by her father and she is not allowed to drive a car.

She is under 24-hour watch - not only by Mr Spears, who seldom lets her out of his sight, but by her manager, Larry Rudolph, and a team of doctors, psychiatrists, child-welfare officers and bodyguards.

According to some reports, Mr Spears even checks whether she is wearing underwear when she goes out in public, reported

Britney goes topless in video

Britney Spears (left) appears topless in her latest video for the song, Gimme More. -- PHOTO: AP

LOS ANGELES - SINGER Britney Spears appears topless in her latest video for the song, Gimme More, said media reports on Monday.

Spears, 27, performs a sexy pole-dance, covering her exposed breasts with fake tattoos, reports The News of the World newspaper in the UK.

Relaunching her career last year with a new album and tour, Spears is now in the UK. She's played gigs in London, Manchester and Dublin.

Uncensored photos taken from the video can be seen on the News of the World website.

Despite the controversial video, Spears has reportedly been visiting tourist attractions with her two sons.

Spears is also being shaddowed by her father, Jamie Spears. Mr Spears became her conservator last year.
Under the terms of the conservatorship, all Britney's spending has to be approved by her father, all her phone calls and texts are monitored, she can see only friends approved by her father and she is not allowed to drive a car.

She is under 24-hour watch - not only by Mr Spears, who seldom lets her out of his sight, but by her manager, Larry Rudolph, and a team of doctors, psychiatrists, child-welfare officers and bodyguards.

According to some reports, Mr Spears even checks whether she is wearing underwear when she goes out in public, reported

Minggu, 07 Juni 2009

The Best Butts in Bollywood

In a time when actresses like Kareena are telling the world their Butt story, we present a list of Bolly beauties who have the best butts in tinsel ville.

Kareena Kapoor's got all the glam in the world! A bombshell with a mix of pure sex appeal, a smile that just stops everything and a body that causes heart failures.

Married and a mother of two. Who cares? Malaika Arora Khan has maintained the shape over the years and for that reason she has her very own parking space on this list.

Packing a perfect body and moves that could leave Rakhi Sawant in tears, Nigar Khan is on our list with honours.

One of Bollywood's hottest actresses, too! Bipasha Basu is one of the most bootilicious actresses in town.

She's got more curves than an Italian sportscar! Sherlyn Chopra is the boldest of the new breed of item machines who spice up that track you really like dancing to.

Rakhi Sawant is on the very top of our list for two reasons, we love the acting or shall we say her 'dramas' and we just can`t stop having her on the desktops. Watch out for the mob that's coming your way Rakhi!

The acting may have taken a backseat, but given the looks and that wonderful bod, Kim Sharma can have all men sit up and take notice.

A goodwill gift to the world from the world of modelling. When Deepika Padukone left the country spellbound with her performance in 'Om Shanti Om', the world knew that a dream girl has arrived.

There can only be one 'butt' in Bollywood and Katrina owns that one. The country was all over this 'exotic Indian beauty' and the tabloids were singing from the rooftops. She is the face of our nation.

The only reason why the world watched 'Love Story 2050'. The world's attention was somewhere else. Priyanka Chopra scrapes the bottom of all the attention.

The Best Butts in Bollywood

In a time when actresses like Kareena are telling the world their Butt story, we present a list of Bolly beauties who have the best butts in tinsel ville.

Kareena Kapoor's got all the glam in the world! A bombshell with a mix of pure sex appeal, a smile that just stops everything and a body that causes heart failures.

Married and a mother of two. Who cares? Malaika Arora Khan has maintained the shape over the years and for that reason she has her very own parking space on this list.

Packing a perfect body and moves that could leave Rakhi Sawant in tears, Nigar Khan is on our list with honours.

One of Bollywood's hottest actresses, too! Bipasha Basu is one of the most bootilicious actresses in town.

She's got more curves than an Italian sportscar! Sherlyn Chopra is the boldest of the new breed of item machines who spice up that track you really like dancing to.

Rakhi Sawant is on the very top of our list for two reasons, we love the acting or shall we say her 'dramas' and we just can`t stop having her on the desktops. Watch out for the mob that's coming your way Rakhi!

The acting may have taken a backseat, but given the looks and that wonderful bod, Kim Sharma can have all men sit up and take notice.

A goodwill gift to the world from the world of modelling. When Deepika Padukone left the country spellbound with her performance in 'Om Shanti Om', the world knew that a dream girl has arrived.

There can only be one 'butt' in Bollywood and Katrina owns that one. The country was all over this 'exotic Indian beauty' and the tabloids were singing from the rooftops. She is the face of our nation.

The only reason why the world watched 'Love Story 2050'. The world's attention was somewhere else. Priyanka Chopra scrapes the bottom of all the attention.